It is a pleasure to welcome you to Forest Park School, a Hampshire local authority maintained special school. We provide education for children and young people aged 2-19 years with severe, profound and complex learning difficulties. In addition, the majority of our pupils have co-occurring needs including Autism, Down Syndrome and physical disabilities.
Forest Park is split across two sites, one mile apart. We have a Primary School in Ringwood Road, Totton catering for around 100 children and a Secondary School in Commercial Road Totton, catering for around 40 young people with the most profound and complex learning difficulties.
At Forest Park we are committed to providing a highly personalised curriculum and stimulating learning environment, which starts with the individual needs of each child and young person. We seek to prepare every member of our school community for the next significant phase in their lives, whatever that might be. In addition, we are dedicated to ensuring that our pupils enjoy school, are happy, confident and proud of themselves and their achievements.
In school we are supported by and work in collaboration with, a range of professionals including School Nurses, Speech and Language therapists, Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists.
I hope you enjoy your journey around our website and look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful school at some point in the future.
Ashley Oliver-Catt
Welcome to our "virtual tour"
We normally welcome and enjoy visits to school for potential admissions. We run very successful open mornings with group tours. However, during the current pandemic and our risk assessment for the safety of pupils and staff this is not currently possible. Therefore, we have put together some information on Forest Park to share with you. There are also links for you to view the Primary Site virtually.
Forest Park School is a very special place which provides for children aged 2-19 with moderate, severe, and profound learning difficulties. The school is based on two sites, one mile apart. We have a team of dedicated, talented and skilled professionals who provide a child centered approach which is flexible and responsive to individual needs. We promote a happy, supportive and positive learning environment.
We believe very much in partnership between home and school, the local community and other agencies as they a very important part of ensuring successful outcomes for our pupils. Children learn far more effectively when staff and parents work together and we have various initiatives to ensure this works for parents, children and staff. We are all known by our first names to support the ease of transition for children and families.
Here is some information from Emma Harper Robin Class Teacher for our Year R pupils:
In Robin Class your child will get a foundation in a highly differentiated Early Years Curriculum. They will learn through topic based, practical, and sensory first-hand experiences. Art, drama, music and PE enrich their learning alongside time in our specialist facilities such as swimming pool and sensory room. They will learn early phonics and maths skills in a variety of contexts. We spend time both in and outdoors with an emphasis on play and social skills. Communication and independence are at the heart of all we do with staff using speech, Makaton and PECS to support communication for all.