It is a pleasure to welcome you to Forest Park School, a Hampshire local authority maintained special school. We provide education for children and young people aged 2-19 years with severe, profound and complex learning difficulties. In addition, the majority of our pupils have co-occurring needs including Autism, Down Syndrome and physical disabilities.
Forest Park is split across two sites, one mile apart. We have a Primary School in Ringwood Road, Totton catering for around 100 children and a Secondary School in Commercial Road Totton, catering for around 40 young people with the most profound and complex learning difficulties.
At Forest Park we are committed to providing a highly personalised curriculum and stimulating learning environment, which starts with the individual needs of each child and young person. We seek to prepare every member of our school community for the next significant phase in their lives, whatever that might be. In addition, we are dedicated to ensuring that our pupils enjoy school, are happy, confident and proud of themselves and their achievements.
In school we are supported by and work in collaboration with, a range of professionals including School Nurses, Speech and Language therapists, Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists.
I hope you enjoy your journey around our website and look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful school at some point in the future.
Ashley Oliver-Catt
Forest Park Uniform
All pupils are expected to wear uniform, except for those in our Post 16 department.
Our uniform is:
Burgundy sweatshirts or cardigans with the school logo
Black or grey skirt, trousers or jogging bottoms
Burgundy, grey or white polo shirts (no logo is necessary)
In warmer weather:
Grey shorts
Pink or burgundy gingham dresses
For PE and Swimming:
Black or navy shorts
Plain white T-shirt
Plimsolls or trainers
Swimming costume and towel
Parents/Carers of incontinent children may have to provide swimming ‘nappies’.
You can purchase uniform at the Skoolkit shop in Totton, who also stock our book bags.
Please clearly and permanently name all parts of the uniform.
School Bag:
It is very important that you check your child’s bag each night. Your child’s home school book may have an important note in it, or there may be a letter for your attention.
We recommend that each child keeps a spare set of clothes in their bag in case of accidents.
Hair Styles:
We do not accept hairstyles like Mohicans or any brightly coloured hair. We may allow hair colours on special days. Please ask before colouring. They should be wash in/wash out.